Arlys Aromatherapy Essential Oils 102 Class: CL102
Arlys® Aromatherapy Essential Oils 102 Class is hosted by Susan Stype, International Aromatherapist
and Owner of Arlys

The Arlys® Aromatherapy Essential Oils 102 Class is the continuation in our series of the next five essential oils which will complete the most common Top 10 essential oils used in Aromatherapy, and a continuation of Aromatherapy and Essential Oils,
while still learning the basic techniques that can safely and effectively be used at home.
It is ideal for those wishing to use Aromatherapy for family and friends.
Aromatherapy Overview (History)
Essential Oil Safety
Methods of Use
Carrier Oils
Extraction Methods
Aroma Families
Mixing & Blending
Explore 5 Essential Oils:
Roman Chamomile;
Clary Sage;
Tea Tree; and
Ylang Ylang.
Make your own beautiful essential oil blends with the oils taught in class to take home.
Includes selections of oils for you to enjoy.