Pinyon Pine-Piñon Pine (Pinus edulis)

Family: Pinaceae
Origin: USA
Process: Steam Distilled- Needles & Twigs

Description:  Pinyon Pine is a common desert conifer, native to the U.S., particularly to the 4 corners area of the U.S., Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona, with sparse populations in Nevada, southwestern California, Wyoming, Texas, and Mexico. This slowing growing pine grows at elevations: 3,000–9,800 ft with the oldest known Pinyon Pine recorded at over 973 years old. Pinyon Pine is also known as Colorado Pinyon, Mesa Pine and Piñon Pine.  It has short bright-green or blue-green needles and are bunched in twos, dark-gray brown bark with reddish patches is furrowed with rough, scaly ridges. The cones are small and their nuts are a food source for many desert dwelling animals.

Our Pinyon Pine is wildcrafted, steam distilled from the needles and twigs, producing a soft, sweet clear essential oil with the aroma of fresh confiner, woody/resinous undertones similar to Scotch pine.

Used traditionally by Native Americans for respiratory medicines by burning the branches and inhaling, pine nuts used as food, sap was used to help waterproof baskets, as well as a myriad of uses in their daily lives.  Also used for sacred purifying ceremonies.

The essential oil contains alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, beta-phellandrene, beta-myrcene, delta3-carene, germacrene D, ethyl caprylate and linalool, among others. 


Product Application:
Essential oils should never be applied directly on the skin without diluting properly, usually blending with a carrier oil.

Pinyon Pine – 2 ml.     $11.75
Pinyon Pine – 5 ml.     $28.00
Pinyon Pine – 10 ml.   $52.50
Pinyon Pine – 15ml.    $63.75
Pinyon Pine – 1 oz.      $115.50
Pinyon Pine – 2 oz.      $216.00


ARLYS products and Information at www.arlysnaturals.com is not for medical,diagnostic treatment or curative purposes and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis or medical treatment. Its intent is solely informational and educational. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.